How to find or create a listing.
- Go to and you will see
- Notice the Business, Government, Hotel, Jobs, Restaurant.
Your business falls under one of those categories. Click on it.
- In the space beside “what are you looking for?” Type in your business name and look at the results.
- If you see your business
You will have to register and login.
Once logged in, simply go to your listing you already found and “claim now”.
This will bring you to:
Simply fill out the form and once you submit it will be forwarded for approval. This way strangers are not claiming your business as we will confirm and then send you confirmation. Typically within 24 hours and Monday’s if you submit over the weekend.
- And if you don’t see your business. Hover your mouse over the shop tab and you will see: Or just click on this link –
This will bring you to this page, where at the bottom you will see:
Sign Up and then you will be asked to log in.
Once logged in you will see this screen:
Simply click on the choice that best suits your business type.
And as you can tell, there really is a free listing available, along with other options with a few more benefits. Make your choice and fill in the required information.